Saturday, December 10, 2016

Flash Fiction #1

Flash Fiction Prompt: Write a story in which something important is lost. (Source: Nancy Stohlman)

I started making room in the shirt drawer of my dresser for the annual occasion around ten in the morning. I never told her what to get me, as I was happy with anything, and so it had become somewhat of a tradition to receive a corny t-shirt. I didn’t wear them much because they didn’t have pockets I could hold my cigarettes in. But I kept every single one, and always made a special place for the next one.

The day dragged by. She was supposed to be here at Noon. It was now three. Oh well. I’m sure she just got distracted. It happens. Though, we had made these plans weeks ago. Maybe she forgot.

I texted her a quick, “Hey, are you on your way?”


“Are you on your way?”

“On my way where?”

I frowned. “I thought we had plans.”

“Oh! I totally forgot! Some friends are taking me to the beach today, and we’re already half-way there.”


“I’m really sorry.”

“No, it’s okay,” I typed as I went back to my room in my one-bedroom apartment. I pulled open the drawer of t-shirts and started looking at them one by one. Corny sayings or images were on each one, and I smiled because she was always so proud to give them to me because she picked them out herself.

My phone beeped. “Love you Dad. Happy Father’s Day.” 

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